Colleges General Interest Online learning

How to pick a college major in 2021

Are you a high-school student preparing to go to college in 2021? Chances are you’re still debating the huge decision of which major to pursue. Maybe you’ve narrowed down your list to two or three but haven’t finalized anything yet. The global COVID-19 pandemic might’ve added even more uncertainty to your decision, as you and your parents debate what college will actually look like going forward.

We get it—picking a major can be intimidating, especially in a year like 2020! To help out, we’ve put together a few ideas below to guide you through the process, plus a handful of majors and career fields that will be in high demand in the coming years (even in the crazy pandemic world we find ourselves in today). Read on!

Before you begin: 5 questions to ask

Let’s start by asking a few questions. 

1. What do I enjoy doing?

This can be anything from playing basketball and video games to shopping for clothes. List all of it out. Your answers can help you realize where your interests lie.

2. Out of what I enjoy doing, what am I good at?

This is where you have to be honest with yourself, meaning neither too positive (“I’m good at everything!”) or too negative (“I’m not good at anything”). This is about finding where your hobbies and your skills intersect. So if you love playing basketball but don’t do well with it, then “playing basketball” shouldn’t go on your list. Or you may have a good fashion sense, but have no desire to work with clothing, so leave “fashion” off the list.

3. What do others think I’m good at?

You’ll need to talk to your family and friends to answer this question. Allow them to be frank with you. Don’t be defensive or attempt to argue. Just hear them out and take note of what they say. How others perceive our abilities can sometimes give us greater insight into what we’re truly talented at doing.

4. What do I like learning about?

Out of all your schoolwork, what subject feels less like a chore? Maybe they all seem like chores, in which case, ask yourself, “What do I like learning in my free time?” Even if you don’t read books outside of school, every time you watch a movie, go to a basketball game, or take a walk in nature, you’re learning something. So what is it that most interests you?

5. Once you decide on a major to pursue, do you enjoy the classes?

If you take a class or two in a major and you don’t enjoy the subject, you may want to consider a different path. You may be able to count any courses you take in the major you leave behind as extracurricular classes, so the hours can still go toward whatever degree you eventually pursue.

High-growth job fields

So what jobs should you consider for the future? Here are five jobs to think through. Keep in mind that the projected job growth is through 2029. Most of this data comes from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

1. Position: Nurse Practitioner

Projected job growth: 52%

Average salary: $115,800

College degree needed? Yes, plus graduate school

Major: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) 

Graduate school needed? Yes

2. Position: Solar Photovoltaic Installer

Projected job growth: 51%

Average salary: $44,890

College degree needed? No, but you might stand out better if you have a bachelor’s degree or an associates degree from a technical college. According to, nearly 56% of folks in this position have only a high-school diploma.

Graduate school needed? No

Major: Solar Energy Technology

3. Position: Statistician

Projected job growth: 35%

Average salary: $92,030

College degree needed? Yes

Major: Bachelor’s degree in Statistics, Mathematics, Economics, or Computer Science

Graduate school needed? Yes

4. Position: Information Security Analyst

Projected job growth: 31%

Average salary: $99,730

College degree needed? Yes

Major: Bachelor’s degree in Cybersecurity or Management Information Systems

Graduate school needed? No

5. Position: Speech-Language Pathologist

Projected job growth: 25%

Average salary: $79,120

College degree needed? Yes

Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD)

Graduate school needed? Yes

Parting advice: Don’t stress!

In closing, here are two additional points to keep in mind when choosing your major:

1. You don’t have to choose a major right away

Plenty of folks don’t know what they want to do when they first start college. So you can start out by taking some general-education courses that every student needs to take while you consider your options.

2. Your major isn’t a lifelong sentence

If you graduate with a degree and then realize you hate working in that field, you have the freedom to go back to school if you want. But that may not be necessary—many folks don’t have a job related to their degree. And increasingly, people are switching careers entirely. The point is, don’t feel like the rest of your life hinges on the major you choose, because it doesn’t. 

Well, that’s all for now! We hope you’ve been able to find some useful information here, and we wish you the best of luck in choosing your major.

Colleges General Interest Online learning

10 qualities of successful people: A guide for distance learners

Success comes in many different forms. In North America, we tend to define success in monetary and vocational terms—how much you make or how far you’ve advanced in your career. But success extends to so many other areas: relationships, faith, character, and health, to name a few.

As a distance education student, you want to be successful in life. You know that getting there takes hard work. In this blog post, we’ll explore 10 of the top attributes of successful people. Whatever your future plans include as a high-school graduate, these characteristics will serve you well.

1. Resilience

How do you deal with failure? If you’re anything like me, it can be easy to retreat and sulk. But in my better moments, I view failure as a necessary step toward success. “Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure,” said American author Napoleon Hill. A defining characteristic of successful people is their unrelenting habit of bouncing back after failure.

2. Flexibility

The ability to “pivot” is crucial to success. Pivoting simply means that you have the willpower and foresight to release a path you’d planned to walk in order to pursue something better. It’s a scary thing, but this type of flexibility is a trademark of successful people. Flexibility is particularly essential for young people just starting out—you might think you know the right direction to take, but opportunities and life circumstances will present a different way forward.

3. Self-discipline

Flexibility and adaptability might be important, but so is self-discipline and the courage to stick with something even when it’s incredibly hard. Yes, knowing when to quit (or “pivot”) and when to persevere is the real test. But the fact is that so many of us give up well before we should. “With self-discipline, most anything is possible,” said Teddy Roosevelt.

4. Others focused

The most successful people in life are radical servers. They look to meet the needs of others and excel at doing so. It’s counterintuitive that serving others would bring you success, but it’s true. Some practical takeaways from this? A big one is that as you build your network, make your interactions with others about what you can give, not what you can get.

5. Frequent reader

A personal story: I quit my day job in 2015 to launch a full-time self-employed career. In the months leading up to that pivotal decision, I read through a series of crucial books that gave me the knowledge and confidence to make the jump to start my own business, including The 7 Habits of Highly Effective PeopleThe Millionaire Next DoorYour Money or Your Life, and The 4 Hour Workweek. These books gave me the fuel to try something new and expand my horizons. The ultimate lesson? Successful people—think of Bill Gates, Mark Cuban, and Elon Musk—are also habitual readers.

6. Humility

Truly successful people don’t feel the need to boast about their accomplishments. They are secure in themselves and in their abilities. They don’t wear their success on their sleeve. Successful people bring others together to accomplish goals and for the greater good. “With pride comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom,” says Proverbs 11:2.

7. Abundance mindset

An abundance mindset means you believe there are plenty of opportunities and resources in the world for everyone to enjoy. You don’t need to steal success from someone else—when someone else is successful, that doesn’t mean they are taking success from you, and vice versa. An abundance mindset pairs well with resilience, because you realize that failure isn’t final. More opportunities are out there.

8. Calculated risk taking

Playing it safe leads to mediocrity. Most of us with more than a few years under our belt can look back and see that our greatest achievements in life came when we stepped out and took a risk. That being the case, don’t neglect the “calculated” part of this advice. Being a calculated risk taker means that you don’t fly blind—you examine the situation and make the right move, even a bold one, but it’s always grounded in reality, not pie-in-the-sky thinking.

9. Prioritization

We all have a limited amount of resources in our lives, time being the most precious. Figuring out your priorities and sticking with them is a prerequisite for success. Prioritization helps you know when to say yes and when to say no. If you’re anything like me, your to-do list never gets done. That’s why we have to put the highest priority items on the top and focus on those first. Everything lower can wait, or even not get done at all.

10. Love of life-long learning

“Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel,” Socrates said. Education in high school and college is not so much about the knowledge gained‚ as important as that is. It’s more about perfecting the ability to learn—and to continue in that ability for a lifetime.

Colleges Online learning

It’s almost time for back-to-school: 6 tips to help your student thrive during the COVID-19 crisis

As a parent, you’re likely dealing with concerns about how the COVID-19 crisis is impacting your student. As in all things, opportunities can be found even in the worst of times. It is possible for your student to thrive in the midst of a pandemic, even though society may seem upside down right now. Let’s look at 6 tips for helping your student succeed in a COVID-19 world. 

1. Get out of your home every day

If the weather permits, consider going to a park or on a walk with your student so you can both get some exercise and sunshine, both of which can help fight depression. The benefits of exercise have been shown to improve learning and help with mental health issues such as anxiety, stress, and ADHD. 

While you can’t always spend time outdoors, you should be able to find a place to go. This may be driving or riding with your student around the neighborhood or making a quick trip to a store, even if just to browse. Having a variety of scenery will likely help your student (and you) feel normal, at least in part. 

2. Stay connected with others

If you can’t or are uncomfortable meeting face-to-face with others, your student can stay digitally connected with their teachers, family, and friends. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, or another live-streaming service.

3. Take advantage of free or inexpensive online courses

Now more than ever, online courses that you once needed to pay for are now free or at a reduced cost. While they are geared primarily towards adults, sites like Udemy and Coursera are offering such courses. To find free courses on these sites, simply type in “free” in the search bar. Especially if you have a high school student, you might be able to find something for your student on these sites., which is also targeted towards adults, has similar content to Udemy and Coursera, but you’ll need to become a member to take advantage of their courses. The first month is free.

You could also search for specific tutorials on YouTube. If you don’t already do this, I recommend you screen each video you want to show your student, or at least the YouTube channel that contains the video, before showing it to your student. This is due to the varied nature of YouTube videos, both in terms of quality and content.

4. Make sure to keep communication open between you and your student

Set aside a time at least once a week to sit down with your student and give him or her an opportunity to talk with you one-on-one. The focus here is not on having a conversation, but rather providing an opportunity for a conversation to occur. As such, this time could consist of playing a game, putting together a puzzle, baking something together, or doing another activity your student enjoys. 

If your student doesn’t want to talk much, that’s fine. Providing each student a weekly opportunity to discuss what’s on his or her mind with you can reinforce that they are loved, cared for, and listened to. 

5. Stick to a schedule

Schedules provide a welcomed sense of normalcy for your student. Younger children tend to thrive on repetition and routines. And no matter your student’s age, he or she will likely benefit from a structured schedule. 

If your students are older, you may want them to create their own schedules—from the time they wake up to the time they go to bed. They’ll need to block out times for eating, exercising, and resting/doing something fun. You can then look over their schedules and provide feedback. My wife got me hooked on this practice while I work from home, and I’ve personally found it helpful.

6. Have something fun to look forward to

It’s important for your student to have something he or she can look forward to doing, either alone or with others. I recommend having two different types of fun things planned:

  • Fun things planned for each day, such as watching a favorite TV show alone or getting together with friends.
  • Fun things with the family that are planned days, weeks, or months in advance, such as taking a day trip to the beach or staying a few nights at a favorite vacation spot.
Colleges General Interest Online learning

15 of the best online tools to support your student’s learning during coronavirus

Online learning is on the rise due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The great news for families is that thousands of tools and resources exist to support your student’s E-learning adventure, now more than ever. From curriculum building and organizational tools to archival records and online museums, it has never been easier to enrich your student’s educational experience. 

Let’s look at 15 of the best tools and resources available for your student’s digital classroom.

1. Bulb 

Bulb is an app that allows high school students to build a robust digital portfolio of their accomplishments and work completed. A portfolio is a fantastic way for your student to present a body of work to their college of choice when they begin applying. With its robust workspace and gallery features, Bulb can help them get a head start in creating one.

2. Digital Public Library of America

The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) is an online repository of 6,300 books and textbooks. They’re all available for direct download, with no need for a library card or login. Additionally, the library features over 37 million images, videos, texts, and audio recordings that span U.S. history. DPLA also features primary source sets—a fantastic resource for students who want to experience history through the eyes of those who lived it. 

3. Google Teach from Home

Google Teach from Home offers families a wide array of tools to support and supplement online learning. From organizational tools to coding activities and AI academic help, Google has you and your student covered.

4. Interactive Constitution

Interactive Constitution by the National Constitution Center is an online hub where your student can take civic learning courses and brush up on essential Constitutional knowledge. The Center offers sessions and courses in U.S. elections, Constitutional amendments, notable Supreme Court cases, and U.S. history lessons.

5. Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a free online learning portal with a wide array of subjects for students to study. Course materials range from pre-K through high school and cover all subjects, including college prep, entrepreneurship, and growth mindset. APⓇ courses, computer programming, and other advanced course options are also available.

6. Library of Congress

The Library of Congress catalog and digital collections are a great online resource for older students engaging in historical research. LOC’s extensive collections also include concert series, online library exhibitions, current news, and more. 

7. LibriVox

LibriVox is a library of free public domain audiobooks. They’re read by volunteers from all over the world. LibriVox’s books are available via mobile app and web browser.

8. MathGames

MathGames is a vast directory of math-based games for students from pre-K through 8th grade. The Math Games Arcade gives students a new perspective on math, helping them learn essential concepts in fun ways. 

9. MetKids

MetKids is an online introduction to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Met’s galleries feature artwork, historical artifacts, clothing, pieces of architecture, and more. Students may click on the interactive map to view and learn about specific pieces of artwork in the Met’s collections and galleries.

10. National Archives

The National Archives offers an online library of founding documents, records, photos, primary sources, and other educational resources that support a well-rounded American history education. This resource is well suited to high school students conducting U.S. history research and parents who want to put together primary or supplemental materials for their students’ online learning curriculum.

11. National Geographic Kids

National Geographic Kids is a great addition to any student’s science curriculum. The site features a wide array of scientific topics including space exploration, zoology, botany, biology, and more. Younger students will enjoy vibrant videos and games that reinforce their studies. 

12. Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is a collection of over 60,000 free published works in the public domain. The majority of the works featured on the site are literary works published prior to 1924. Books may be easily downloaded for reading via web browser.

13. Smithsonian’s History Explorer

Smithsonian’s History Explorer offers students an interactive look at artifacts, media, interactives, books, activities, and more. Parents can download lessons for their students, and students can spend time exploring the artifact galleries online.

14. Smithsonian Learning Lab

Smithsonian Learning Lab is a massive library of Smithsonian Institution resources and learning collections across more than 6,000 topics, including science, social studies, language arts, and many more. Teachers and parents can compile collections of specific resources for their students to study and experience. 

15. Storybird

Storybird helps students of all ages improve their writing skills through writing short- and long-form books, flash fiction, and poetry. Your student will have the opportunity to participate in writing challenges and flex their creative muscles, all while brushing up on composition.  

Wrapping up

Although this list is a great starting point, there are hundreds—if not thousands—more resources available for your student’s online learning. So let us know: are you going to give any of these resources a try? What are your favorite online learning resources? Leave a comment below!

Colleges Apprenticeship Dual Enrollment General Interest

How to work your way through college like a boss

Google the phrase “pay your way through college,” and you’ll be bombarded with a lineup of articles, news stories, and blog posts bemoaning that, in today’s economy, it’s simply impossible. But is it really?

The idea of working your way to an associate’s or bachelor’s degree harkens back to a time when tuition was comparatively cheap matched against median salaries. There’s no doubt about it—the cost of college has risen astronomically. In 1971, a year at Harvard would set you back $2,600. Today, it costs $45,278. If that figure had merely kept pace with inflation, the cost would be only $15,189. Clearly, tuition costs have spiraled out of control.

While college is nowhere near as inexpensive as it used to be, working your way through school isn’t as impossible as pundits would have you believe. Of course, it all depends on how you define “working your way.” It’s true that you can’t work 15 hours a week at minimum wage and expect to cover all your tuition, materials, and living expenses for school. But there are other options.

Here are four tips that can make working your way through school a reality:

1. Public, in-state schools are your best friend

In most cases, you’ll need to stick with a community college or a local state university. Unless you have a job from Daddy Warbucks, you won’t be able to make a private school work.

The numbers are straightforward. Working full-time year-round at the federal minimum wage, you’ll take in $15,080 per year before taxes. That won’t cover the cost of a private school, but it will at state-run schools. Average tuition at a public two-year community college is $3,347; at a four-year college, in-state tuition is $9,139.

Granted, working a full-time schedule while in school is seldom feasible, and you’ll probably need a lot more financial margin than minimum wage allows. But as we’ll explore below, there are other ways to keep costs in line.

2. Stay local, buy cheap

To effectively work your way through school, you’ll probably have to live at home (preferably rent free) and be selective in how you purchase school materials. If you simply can’t live at home, take on two or three roommates and split the rent. In many areas of the country, you’ll be able to live quite cheaply this way.

Another must: purchase your textbooks used, and look for good deals on school supplies and equipment. Don’t be afraid to buy a used laptop—Craiglist is full of them at significant discounts.

Remember, to make this plan work, you’ll have to live like a college student—or at least, how college students used to live! That means keeping your costs low and forgoing luxuries and perks. For some ideas on how to keep costs down, click here.

3. Go online

The popularity of online learning and distance education has exploded during the past decade. Tens of thousands of students are earning degrees exclusively online, while the vast majority of all college students regularly take online classes as part of their degree plan.

Pursuing your degree through distance education can be one of the best ways to make working through school feasible. Online learning allows for expanded schedule flexibility during the day. Even if you work a traditional nine-to-five job, you can get in your classwork in the evenings and on the weekends. How cool is that?

4. Pick up financial aid and scholarships

Don’t just work on the income part of the equation. Also consider ways to reduce your overall tuition costs, either through financial aid or hard-won scholarships. If you can, begin that process in high school. Apply, apply, apply. It just might carve a significant chunk off your tuition bill.


While working your way through school is certainly feasible, remember to keep first things first—your academics are crucial, and you don’t want them to suffer because you’re worn out from burning the candle at both ends working a job.

In fact, the best path might be to work a part-time schedule during the school year (15 to 20 hours per week) and then reorient to a full-time schedule during the summers. Better, if you can find work that is academically and vocationally relevant to your field of study, you’ll come out better prepared for your career.

For more reading on this topic, check out Georgetown University’s report Learning While Earning: The New Normal.

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You don’t have to be a genius to speed through college

In 2017, Raven Osborne was one of thousands of students who graduated from Purdue University in Indiana. But something about Raven made her a little bit different—she graduated from Purdue two weeks before she also graduated from high school.

How’d she do it?

Raven began taking dual enrollment classes in eighth grade, eventually moving from her local community college to Purdue. By the time she reached her senior year in high school, she was on track to earn her degree, too. In the fall, she returned to her high school—but this time as a teacher. 

As Raven proved, with persistence and careful planning, it’s possible to earn your college degree in tandem with your high school diploma, saving time and money in the process. Even better, you can start while you’re still in high school. 

If you love the idea of speeding your way through college, here are a few unconventional ideas to help you along the way.

1. Dual enroll in college courses during high school

Generally, high school students may begin dual-enrolling in community college courses during their sophomore year of high school. This allows you to earn both high school and college-level credit on your transcript that may then be transferred to your university of choice. This approach can save you up to a year or more of introductory courses that you won’t have to complete during your freshman year of college.

2. Take Advanced Placement (AP) courses and exams

Challenging and rigorous, AP exams could give you the opportunity to skip remedial college courses and move on to more advanced classes. This could save you a significant amount of time and money in the long run. The main downside to AP exams is that they’re only offered once every year. You’ll have to plan and schedule carefully to make sure you don’t miss the sign-up deadline and the testing date.

3. “CLEP” out of courses

CLEP exams are another method of testing out of certain college courses—and earning class credit in the process. Bear in mind that some colleges don’t accept passing CLEP scores. There are also certain majors and study concentrations that do not offer the option to CLEP out. It’s important to note that CLEPs can render you ineligible for certain scholarships, but the money you save when you test out of classes could be worth the loss.

4. Choose a college that has flexible policies regarding testing out of courses

Not every college accepts exam scores in place of sitting through an actual course. If you’re interested in testing out of some of your classes, do your research beforehand to find out whether it’s allowed at your school of choice. In addition to AP and CLEP exams, there are other tests like the DSST®TECEP®, and UExcel®, which also allow you to essentially build a DIY degree for a fraction of the time and money (you can find a list of additional exams here).

5. Enroll in a college where you can follow a competency-based curriculum

Competency-based higher education has been gaining traction over the past several years, offering college students more flexible options for accelerating their educational experience. The concept of competency-based education is simple: If you’re already familiar with the material in a particular course, you should have the option to test out of it. As an added bonus, many of these degree programs are offered online. Before applying, research the degree requirements and the cost. Some colleges charge a “subscription fee” that could be costly if you don’t complete your course work in a timely manner.

6. Plan your course load carefully and far in advance

If you’re attending a traditional college, take a careful look at the course catalog and make notes regarding what classes are required for your degree, and when they’re offered. Some courses are only offered every other year (and sometimes, only odd- or even-numbered years!), so you’ll want to carefully consider where those classes fit in. One or two poorly-planned course enrollments could cost unnecessary time and money, so consult your catalog and your advisor to make long-term plans for accelerating your degree progress.

7. Take as many classes as possible per semester

Another way to shorten the total amount of time you spend in college is by taking a heavier course load than the average recommended load (12 credit hours, or four courses). Try your hand at taking five or six courses (15 or 18 credits) instead. Be cautious not to overload and burn yourself out—only you know what will work best for you as a student.

8. Participate in a portfolio review

As you build a portfolio of work samples in college (particularly in design, fine arts, architecture, etc.), add them to your digital portfolio and plan to attend at least one portfolio review session. Some colleges offer portfolio review days—a day similar to a job fair, where employers meet with students for short interviews and rapid-fire portfolio review. When you participate in portfolio review, you’ll sharpen your professional-level interview skills, as well as share your work samples and resume with potential employers. With viable work samples and interview experience under your belt, you might decide to accept a job offer before you’ve completed your degree.

9. Opt for an alternate route

One size does not fit all. Some students may not wish to attend college and opt to build their careers in a different way. Programs like UnCollege provide students with the opportunity to explore their passions and interests, build a skill set that compliments those passions, and gain experience where they put their skills to work in an internship environment. Other students may enter the workforce after high school based on their experience and work samples alone.

The bottom line

Accelerating the college experience is definitely possible, and any combination of the above methods could be right for you. As you choose your path, research carefully to avoid any of the potential pitfalls of each option. With cautious consideration, strategy, and meticulous planning, you can fast-track your way to a degree and move on to build your dream career.

Colleges General Interest

The secrets to graduating from college in four years (or less)

Is the “four-year college degree” a misnomer in the modern day and age? In many ways, the answer is yes. Only a fraction of college students actually graduates in four years or less, and many take six years or more. Common reasons for the delay include frequently switching majors or schools, taking unnecessary courses that don’t count toward a degree, and working part- or full-time.

There are a variety of reasons why staying on schedule for a four-year graduation is a wise plan. Finances is a big one. A 2013 report from the University of Texas at Austin found that students who graduate on time spend 40 percent less than those who graduate in six years.

If you’re taking on student loan debt, the figures are even more grim. “According to data from Temple University in Philadelphia and from the University of Texas, Austin, two extra years on campus increases debt by nearly 70 percent,” reports The New York Times. Worse, you might lose financial aid or scholarships if you fail to take a benchmarked number of courses each semester. An analysis from NerdWallet pegged the total cost of graduating in six years rather than four at $300,000 in additional tuition, lost income and retirement savings, and loan interest.

Failing to graduate on time also has career implications. By remaining in school additional years, would-be graduates forego earnings in jobs they would have ostensibly accrued, as pointed out by this report from the Brookings Institution.

So, how do you keep on a four-year track? Here are seven quick tips.

1. Create a plan

Work with a guidance counselor or academic advisor to map out the required load of credit hours for your degree, and then determine how many credit hours you need to take each semester. 120 credits for eight semesters factors out to an average of 15 credits per semester, or around five courses worth three credit hours each. How will you allocate these? Having a plan on paper will increase the likelihood of sticking to it.

2. If you change majors, do it within the same career field

This helps because most (or all) of your credits will transfer. While this is generally sound advice, don’t let it dissuade you from pursuing a degree change up that will better fit your life and career. The extra time, effort, and cost could be worth it. If you do decide to switch majors, it’s self-evident that doing so earlier rather than later is best.

3. Be wise in your selection of courses

This tip can be rolled into creating a plan for college career, but it’s important enough to highlight individually. While taking a handful of fun elective courses can be good for both your life and career, always weigh the time and money cost. It’s generally good to avoid taking classes you don’t need. Research from the nonprofit Complete College America found that students seeking a bachelor’s degree ended up accruing an average of 136.5 credit hours before graduating (rather than the required 120 credits). That’s a full half semester of extra work!

4. Don’t change schools midstream

As with switching majors, changing colleges is a surefire way to stall your college career as well. Sometimes it makes sense to change colleges—maybe your goals and interests have changed—but always consider the cost and ensure your reasons make sense. Depending on your new school, some of the credits might not transfer. Not to mention the cost and hassle of applying for a new school.

5. Don’t work too much

We’ve argued elsewhere that paying your way through college can be done—and can actually be a good thing—but it can also get in the way of graduating on time. So consider this additional factor. It’s important to note that work experience and internships can end up benefiting you greatly, even if they delay your graduation. They can particularly help with securing a job post-graduation. So they are still well worth checking out. Just integrate them into your graduation and career plans.

6. Earn college credit while still in high school

The opportunities are varied: Take AP courses, pursue duel enrollment, take CLEP (College-Level Examination Program) courses, and investigate International Baccalaureate programs. Banking lots of college credit as a high schooler might even mean you can graduate earlier than four years—a major plus!

7. Get credit for previous work experience

Some colleges offer portfolio review, where you accrue credit for previous experience that amounts to college-level mastery of a certain topic. Although it takes lots of work researching and creating the portfolio, the feeling of seeing credits rack up for past work is definitely a good one.


A final thought: Students will need support from their academic institutions in finishing in four years or less, so always be sure to know what an institution’s four-year graduation rate is. This helpful PDF from the College Board shows the average rates at many large schools across the 50 states. A school’s rate suggests how much support you can expect in trying to graduate on time. Good luck!

Colleges General Interest

For homeschool families: A primer on distance education for college

If there’s one thing America is known for, it’s options. Whether it’s toothpaste, ice cream, craft beers, mortgages, or cars, the vast array of choices can be overwhelming.

Of course, the same can be said for education options beyond high school. There are vocational and industry-specific schools that train people for specialized jobs. And there are cost-effective community colleges offering two-year degrees that lay the foundation for further study. More traditionally, there are private and public four-year colleges and universities offering a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate degrees in fields like law, business, and medicine. 

Into this mix, however, is a new kid on the block—online distance learning. And while each of the above platforms offers education in a specific niche, each is jumping into online learning—fueled by the explosive growth of Internet and mobile technology.

While in the past distance learning was dominated by older, married working professionals enrolled at for-profit institutions or taking correspondence courses to achieve career-focused credentials, today’s distance learner is younger, more diverse, and motivated by a wide range of college and career goals that can be met by full-fledged undergraduate and graduate degree programs.   

And whereas only 10 years ago two million Americans were online students, today this number has nearly quadrupled to more than seven million. In fact, one-third of U.S college students now take at least one course entirely online—a paradigm shift in education.  

With so many distance-learning options now available, finding the best online college can be tough. In this blog post, we’ll focus on four-year online programs and share information to help you decide which option is best for you and your family.

Benefits of distance ed

There are many benefits to online learning offered by four-year colleges and universities, including program breadth, faculty support, and lower costs. Here, public four-year institutions have an edge because they tend to have large student populations and usually offer the widest range of academic options—including extensive human and technological resources to facilitate learning on multiple levels and in various learning modes.

Given this, many public universities have more online learning options—from introductory 100-level courses to those at the graduate level. And near-24/7 tech support and other resources make it easier for online students to get help when needed, enabling students to finish a degree program and graduate with little more than a laptop and Internet connection.

The bottom line is that online education offers students with strong self-discipline and study skills unmatched flexibility in pursuing a degree program.

Is distance ed right for you?

According to Affordable College Online, there are eight important questions that must be answered—with “yes” to at least six—before enrolling in an online program:

  1. Do you have access to a computer and Internet connection?
  2. Can you work independently with little direction?
  3. Are you comfortable with simple technologies, including email and word processing?
  4. Are you motivated to succeed?
  5. Do you have solid communication skills, especially in writing?
  6. Do you have a high school diploma or GED?
  7. Are you comfortable participating in online discussion?
  8. Can you work on a computer multiple hours per day?

10 of the best distance ed programs

In deciding which colleges are best, a number of factors come into play depending on your priorities—including academic excellence, faculty strength, student-teacher ratio, financial aid, and tuition costs. For some, additional considerations such as religious affiliation, online instruction methods, reputation, and awards are important—as are specialized programs for veterans, nursing, information technology, criminal justice, education, engineering, and MBAs.

Although several groups offer annual rankings, we think Affordable College Online’s 100-point scorecard of the Best Online Colleges is particularly helpful. Here’s its Top 10 list for 2016:

1. University of Illinois—Springfield (98.79)

With a student-teacher ratio of 13:1, University of Illinois—Springfield consistently ranks high for small class size and personalized attention for students. 96% of students at this low-to moderately priced school receive financial aid and popular undergraduate majors are computer science, business administration, mathematics, and liberal studies.

2. Fayetteville State University (98.21)

While students may be concurrently enrolled in lower-level community college courses at partnering institutions, FSU specializes in upper-level courses for students who have already completed core graduation requirements. With a 17:1 student/faculty ratio, this low-priced schools offers eight- and 16-week formats requiring students to follow strict schedules—rather than at their own pace. With 96% of students receiving financial aid, popular majors include criminal justice, sociology, psychology, business administration, nursing (RN to BSN), fire and emergency services, and elementary education.

3. Liberty University (97.50)

One of the world’s largest universities—thanks in no small part to its 100% online program offering—Christian-based Liberty has an 18:1 student/faculty ratio and boasts highly ranked at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels. Beyond this, it offers credit-transfers from other institutions to accelerate time to graduation, and 95% of students receive financial aid. Although slightly above mid-range in terms of price, Liberty also accepts professional experience in major fields.

4. Marylhurst University (97.31)

Marylhurst’s very low student/faculty ratio of 6:1 is one of the lowest in the nation. Although relatively more expensive than average, 100% of its students receive financial aid. And its undergraduate and graduate degree programs allow students flexibility to take courses entirely online, on campus, or through a hybrid of both formats. Up to 45 credits for previous work can be applied toward online degrees, and areas of specialty include business management, real estate, interdisciplinary studies, English literature, new media and various MBA programs.

5. Washington University – St. Louis (97.30)

Although at the high end in terms of affordability, 55% of Washington University’s students receive financial aid.  Its award-winning professional and continuing education programs can be completed entirely online or through a hybrid of distance and on-campus activities. And with a low 8:1 student/teacher ratio, WU’s top-ranked undergraduate programs include communications, English, global leadership, history, international studies, math, and psychology. In addition, it offers a specialized MS in biology designed for science teachers. 

6. Hodges University (97.05)

Priced in the low-moderate range, Hodges University offers a 14:1 student/faculty ratio and “Upower” programs allowing students to complete undergraduate and graduate degrees entirely online at their own pace. Focusing on technology, programs include computer information technology, computer networking, cybersecurity and forensics, digital design and graphics, and software development. Also offered are BS degrees in management, marketing and branding, legal studies, health services administration and business administration—as well as graduate-level MBA, MIS, and MPA degrees. 99% of its students receive financing. 

7. Missouri Valley College (96.85)

Out of the many online undergraduate programs offered by MVC, two in particular are highly recognized—their BA degrees in business administration and psychology. Missouri Valley College also offers a program leading to as Associate of Applied Science in health information systems. With a 14:1 student/teacher ratio, MVC falls in the upper-moderate price range. However, 100% of students receive financial aid. 

8. Northeastern University (96.79)

Although at the top end of the price range, 77% of Northeastern online students receive financial aid, and its 13:1 student/faculty ratio is competitive. With more than 75 online degree programs to choose from, NU is highly acclaimed for flexibility with its bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate, and graduate certificate programs—with special expertise in interdisciplinary bachelor’s programs in environmental studies, urban ecology, wetlands and coastal ecology, physical anthropology, health issues, and environmental disasters. 

9. Belhaven University (96.78)

As the second Christian-based school in the Top 10, Belhaven offers nine online bachelor’s degrees and 20 master’s degrees and advanced certificates. With a 12:1 student/teacher ratio, its online business education programs have received national recognition—with an emphasis in operations management, marketing, finance, business law, computer applications, business communications, organizational behavior, and international business. While Belhaven falls in the upper-moderate price range, 100% of its students receive financial aid. 

10. University of Louisville (96.61)

With prices in the low-moderate range, University of Louisville online students have the benefit of an 11:1 student/teacher ratio—with the same high-quality faculty that lecture on-campus. Another benefit is that 97% of online students receive financial aid. Beyond this, UL offers a wide range of programs, including bachelor’s degrees in nursing, communication, criminal justice, and organizational leadership and learning. At the graduate level, master’s degrees are available in criminal justice, social work, special education, higher education administration, computer science, civil engineering, engineering management, and human resources and organizational development. 


No longer on the fringes of formal education, online learning is now front and center in the digitally driven 21st century. As such, it offers students of all ages a wide range of opportunities to acquire the necessary skills for success in your chosen field. Use this list and the links included here to do your homework and find an online learning option that works best for you.

Colleges Dual Enrollment General Interest

10 of the best community colleges in the U.S.

Have you considered community college? The idea might be foreign to you, and for good reason. Traditionally, community colleges have carried a stigma that identifies them as a less-than-optimal choice compared to four-year schools. In some cases, that stigma is deserved. But like any college—community-level, state run, or private—some schools are poor, some are mediocre, and some are fantastic.

So don’t rule out community colleges! The benefits of attending these local schools can be enormous. Here are three reasons:

  • Cost savings: Tuition at public community colleges averages $3,520 per year, nearly a third of the average tuition at a public four-year university (and a fraction of the cost of a typical private college).
  • Easier transition: Smaller class sizes, a location close to home, and a solid array of prerequisite courses make community colleges an easy transition point from high school to college.
  • Keeps your options open: Going to a community college now doesn’t mean you can’t transfer to a four-year school later. But it does offer added flexibility—you can more easily attend part-time while working an internship or apprenticeship in your field of study. You can also take dual enrollment courses while still in high school.

There are two excellent pathways through community college: one is to obtain a two-year associate’s degree, the other to transfer to a four-year university. The second of these options—to transfer—can be both a money and time saver for many students. You can eliminate prerequisite courses at a community college and save a bundle by doing so. Just ensure that your credits will transfer to your four-year institution.

Earning a two-year degree from a community college can also be a plus. Pick the right area of focus, and you can out-earn holders of bachelor’s degrees right out of the gate. (Yes, it’s true.)

Attending a community college doesn’t rule out a four-year bachelor’s degree for another reason—an increasing number of community colleges actually offer in-demand bachelor’s degrees! In fact, community colleges in 21 states now confer these types of degrees.

In my own case, I accrued around 70 credit hours from local community colleges in North Carolina before transferring most of those courses to a four-year school (Thomas Edison State College) to get a bachelor’s degree in journalism. Only three of those credit hours didn’t transfer. Not a bad deal considering how much I saved on tuition.

Moving past the stigma associated with many community colleges opens up a whole new world. And to make finding the best of the best easier, we’ve compiled a short list of some of the most outstanding community colleges in the country below.

Every two years, the Aspen Institute—a think-tank based in Washington, D.C., that studies education policy—hands out prizes for the most amazing community colleges in the country. Here are the 2015 winners:


It’s time to break stereotypes surrounding community colleges. These schools aren’t only for students who have low GPAs or come from low-income backgrounds. They can be a smart and savvy way for students of all economic backgrounds and achievement levels (including high achievers) to begin their journey to higher education success.